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Understanding UK Stair Regulations and Proposed Changes for High-Rise

Understanding UK Stair Regulations and Proposed Changes for High-Rise Residential Buildings

Building codes in the UK provide minimum standards for public health and safety, including regulations for the construction of staircases. These regulations cover aspects such as the minimum dimensions of steps, the requirement for handrails, the maximum pitch of the staircase, and the provision of landings at the top and bottom of every flight of stairs. Failure to adhere to these regulations can result in enforced changes, legal issues, and potential safety risks.

Recent proposals by the UK government could significantly impact residential developers. A consultation titled ‘Sprinklers in care homes, removal of national classes, and staircases in residential buildings’ suggests changes to Building Regulations, proposing the mandatory inclusion of a second staircase in residential buildings over 30 metres in height. This measure aims to enhance fire safety, but it could affect the viability of high-rise buildings, increase costs, cause delays, and lead to the cancellation of new residential schemes.

If approved, all new residential buildings above 30 metres in height would be required to include two staircases. Existing buildings would not be affected by this change. The government proposes a short, yet unspecified, transition period to allow blocks already under development to be completed. However, this is likely to benefit only blocks that are already well into their construction phase.

For developers, the mandatory inclusion of a second staircase could have significant implications for projects currently at the design stage. The addition of a second staircase would reduce saleable floor space and increase costs. The government itself has acknowledged that this new requirement will impact viability, likely reducing the amount of affordable housing that developers can provide.

The government’s consultation closes on 17th March 2023. With the expected implementation of the new building safety regime under the Building Safety Act 2022 later this year, including further changes to Building Regulations, it is a crucial time for those in the property development industry to monitor legislative developments.

Whether you’re a developer, architect, or homeowner, understanding the current UK building regulations for staircases and the potential changes on the horizon is crucial. Always consult with a professional before you start constructing your staircase to ensure compliance with all relevant regulations.



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